Published: 2014-10-31

Modeling of templet nanostructures

E. V. Semenovskaya, N. М. Lyahova, V. I. Osinskii, N. О. Suhoviy, E. M. Faleeva, V. I. Timofeyev


Application of karhunen-loeve transormation for human MRI analysis

Anton Oleksandrovich Popov, Ihor Eduardovych Krashenyi, J. Ramirez, Huan Manuel Gorriz


The human cochlea transfer function. Part 2

Svitlana Andriivna Luniova, Vitalii Semenovich Didkovskyi, S. S. Kalinin


Effective Surface Area of Current Density Distribution Maps

Anton Oleksandrovich Popov, Yevhenii Yevheniiovych Udovychenko, I. A. Chaikovsky
